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Difference between a class and object in Kotlin

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Feb 4, 2025

In Kotlin, a class is a blueprint for creating objects — it defines attributes and behavior. On the other hand, an object is an instance of a class, which carries specific state and behavior. Here's a simple demonstration:

// Creating a Class class Car(var color: String, var speed: Int) { // "I'm a car class, paint me any color!" fun drive() = println("Driving at $speed km/h in a $color car") } // Instantiating an Object val myCar = Car("blue", 120) // "Blue Speedster at your service!" // Using an Object myCar.drive() // Output: "Driving at 120 km/h in a blue car"

Moreover, Kotlin additionally uses object keyword in a unique context of singleton design pattern, for defining a single instance composition.

Digging deeper into classes and objects

Singleton objects: "There can be only one!"

In Kotlin, object keyword allows defining singleton objects — single instance entities, without any direct constructor to create instances ad libitum.

// Creating a Singleton object GlobalCounter { // "One ring to rule them all!" var count = 0 } // Using the singleton GlobalCounter.count++

Companion objects: "Every class needs a buddy!"

Kotlin meets the static needs via companion objects — bundled with the respective class and serving class-level functionality.

// Class with companion object class Server { companion object { fun connect() = "Connection successful" // "We have a connection. Houston, we're good!" } }

Interoperability: Playing nice with Java

Kotlin employs the @JvmStatic annotation to expose companion or object functions as static methods when called from Java, keeping the interoperability smooth.

Top-Level functions: "No class? No problem!"

Kotlin lets you define functions at the top-level, making them part of the package and accessible without any object.

// Top-level function fun sayHello() = println("Hello, Kotlin!") // "A classy function, but without the class!"

Interplay with memory efficiency

Singletons' single-instance limit enhances memory efficiency, sparing your program from repeated object allocations.

Practical scenarios

Conversion of Java statics

The shift from Java to Kotlin transitions static variables/methods into object or companion object functions, conforming to Kotlin's object-friendly design.

Initialization rules

Despite bits of resemblance to static in use, object and companion objects are not initialized at load. Kotlin keeps it lazy, initialising these when they are accessed first.

Data classes: A star cutout!

Data classes are a unique scaffold in Kotlin. These auto-generate boilerplate — toString(), equals(), hashCode() — making life a wee bit easier!

Accessing members: No class needed

Whether it's a simple object or a companion object, you call their functions directly with the name, no need for an instance.
