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Delete text in between HTML tags in vim?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 30, 2024

To remove text inside HTML tags in Vim, you can mainly use cit. This magical keyboard incantation casts away the text and leaves you in insert mode.

Before: <div>Remove this text</div>
Command: Position cursor inside text, press `cit`
After: <div></div>

If instead, you wish to remain in command mode after deletion, use the dit command.

Use the right tool for the job: Vim commands

Vim offers an array of tools for the everyday developer, perfect for quick and precise HTML editing:

  • di< or dit: These will delete text that lies within the fetching confines of the next HTML tag.
  • dt<: Use this to discard text from the current cursor position up to, but not including, the next <.
  • ci< or cit: This 'spell' will change the text within a tag and launch you into insert mode.

These tools can be your best friends when you need to slice and dice text in your HTML documents.

Creating tapestries of code: Visualization

Think of your code as a beautiful, complex tapestry full of vibrant tags and text:

<!-- Here's a fancy code tapestry for your Monday morning --> Code Tapestry: <header>Welcome, code wizards!</header>

With a swift flick of your magic wand (ok, not really. More like a few keystrokes 😅):


You are left with a clean slate to create to your heart's content:

<!-- Presto! A clean slate for your code wizardry --> Code Tapestry: <header></header>

Just like a magician, each command conjures up different effects, transforming your code with minimal effort.

Mastering macros: An introduction

If you find yourself needing to repeat a sequence of commands:

  1. Press qa: This starts recording a macro in register 'a'.
  2. Squiggle your magic wand (run commands) like />[enter]lv/<[enter]dn: Find end tag, select up to the next start tag, delete.
  3. Press q: To complete the recording.

Now, to run this macro 20 times, all you'll need is 20@a. Vim macros are like powerful spells, simplifying tedious, repetitive tasks in Vim.

When, why, and how to use visual mode

To activate visual mode, press v:

  • v/&lt;: This little charm allows you to select text up to the beginning of a tag.
  • d: This command performs a clean wipe of the selected text.

Visual mode offers manual text manipulation, allowing you full control over what is selected and what gets removed.

Understanding the power of 'inner tag' commands

Working with inner tag commands in Vim is like discovering a new set of tools. These commands are particularly handy for developers working with HTML/XML documents. Here are a few key points to remember:

  • The cursor has to be on the content you want to delete.
  • Keep an eye out for how Vim interacts with nested tags. It could get a little tricky!
  • Don't forget that nested structures might require more complex solutions using regular expressions or other commands.

Specializing in HTML/XML editing

To speed up your workflow, Vim offers specially crafted commands for HTML/XML manipulation:

  • dt<: This command deletes text up to the less-than symbol, great for removing text before a tag.
  • cit: Changes text within tags. It is your best friend for in-tag alterations.

Use these commands skillfully, and you might just become the flash of HTML/XML editing!