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Data protocol URL size limitations

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Dec 21, 2024

Data URL size limits differ vastly depending on the browser: IE peaks at 32KB; Edge tops out at 4MB; meanwhile, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari smoothly handle data URLs of several MB. To embed smaller data directly, encode with Base64 and employ the src attribute:

<img src="..." alt="Embedded Image">

For bulky data, consider using Blob URLs to bypass performance issues or utilize AJAX and server-side methodologies for efficient load management.

Browser-specific size limitations

Clearly, the data URI specification does not specify a size limit, yet each browser has its own implementation. Here's the rundown:

  • Chrome: Thought to limit data URI size to 2MB.
  • Firefox: Appears to enjoy an unlimited data URI size.
  • IE 9/Edge: Said to handle data URIs up to 4GB.
  • Safari/Mobile Safari: Somewhat a grey area, but generally thought to be around 128KB.

Bear in mind, oversize data URIs can lead to slow rendering and memory bloat. Plus, browsers differentiate in the handling of data URIs for downloading versus inline display, affecting development strategy.

Handling gargantuan data URIs

Large file handling calls for clever workarounds. Let's look at a few options:

Blob URLs

Blobs are the answer to efficient file-like data handling. Cook up a Blob URL using URL.createObjectURL(). This handy method translates your data into a URL, which browsers consume much easier.

Ready-to-use JavaScript libraries

Libraries like FileSaver.js, StreamSaver.js, and JSZip ease the handling large data sets, keeping you away from reinventing the wheel.

Testing for compatibility

Wield Modernizr to inspect whether a browser supports data URIs over 32kb, reinforcing your application's cross-platform compatibility.

Few tidbits on efficiency

When fiddling with data URIs, it's crucial to:

  • Transform data URIs to blobs: This tricks helps tackling size limitations.
  • Abstain from URIs for mammoth files: Serving files directly from the server often appear as a better alternative.
  • Consistent testing: Keep a tab on updates for browser support for data URIs.

Stumbling blocks and their workarounds

SGML and data URL restrictions

We sometimes forget that HTML anchor lengths are mentioned by SGML, translating into complications with **extremely long URLs. Be mindful of the LITLEN, ATTSPLEN, and TAGLEN constraints which govern character lengths.

Display control

When looking to showcase substantial base64 data, avoid direct embedding. Instead, form a blob URL and present in a new window or iframe.

Pushing for clarity

Aim for efficient data URIs by adhering to best practices for compression and encoding to keep sizes reasonable.
