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Current_timestamp in milliseconds

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton ShumikhinยทAug 17, 2024

Pulling millisecond-accurate CURRENT_TIMESTAMP with EXTRACT(EPOCH... in PostgreSQL involves multiplying by 1000 to transfigure epoch seconds into milliseconds. Here is the corresponding SQL tidbit:

-- It's like getting a time-stamp, at the speed of light, 186 miles at a time! ๐ŸŒ  SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) * 1000 AS milliseconds;

In MySQL, you will specifically need to pay attention to precision:

-- "Wait a millisecond!", said MySQL. ๐Ÿ˜ SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3)) * 1000 AS milliseconds;

This will hand over the extant timing in milliseconds since the epoch time.

Millisecond-specific retrieval in MySQL

In cases of operating with MySQL versions 5.6 or upwards, grasping the prevailing timestamp in milliseconds can be attained through the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP operation with apt precision. To extrapolate milliseconds from the epoch, we'll multiply the UNIX timestamp by 1000, as demonstrated below:

-- SQL server or a time machine? You decide! ๐Ÿ˜‰ SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)) * 1000 AS milliseconds;

It's paramount to note that by default, MySQL does not store milliseconds for timestamps. Opt for timestamp(3) or datetime(3) types while storing timestamps to encapsulate millisecond precision.

Inconsistencies of millisecond precision across platforms

MySQL's precision can be confoundingly platform-dependent. For instance, maximal precision for Windows is 3 whereas it's 6 for Linux. This discrepancy can skew the granularity of your retrieved timestamp.

Crafting custom MySQL functions for consistency

Consider conjuring a custom MySQL function to routinely retrieve the current timestamp in milliseconds. An easy SELECT UNIX_MS(); code snippet could be your shorthand for SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3)) * 1000.

Why circumventing alternate methods makes sense

While esoteric methods like fiddling with UUID() for millisecond data may seem ingenious, they are notoriously unreliable and non-recommended for this purpose. Introducing unnecessary complexity and performance overhead, this approach comprises unwanted string manipulation and conversion.

Just to hammer the point home, eschew using DATEDIFF() while retracting millisecond timestamp - its forte is comparing dates, not fine-tuning time precision.

Meticulous storage and manipulation of milliseconds

Choosing the right data types for milliseconds storage

Efficient storage of timestamp with milliseconds in MySQL mandates your table column to use DATETIME(3) or TIMESTAMP(3) types. The precision specifier (3) is vital for including storage of milliseconds.

Shaping up timestamps into integers

For scenarios where integer milliseconds are what you desire, come knock at the FLOOR function's doors like so:

-- We no like decimals. Round it off, chief! SELECT FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(current_timestamp(3)) * 1000) AS milliseconds;

This ensures the timestamp being a whole number, representing the millisecond count sans any fractional component.