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Create Table from View

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 3, 2024

To generate a new table from a current view in SQL Server, we exploit the SELECT INTO clause:

SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM ExistingView WHERE 1 = 0;

The NewTable is born with the dna of the ExistingView. Kick out the WHERE clause to also clone the data:

SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM ExistingView;

Step-by-step practical guide

Here's a roadmap for generating a table from a view, with considerations to help you dodge common pitfalls:

Check Your Permissions. No, seriously, do it!

Before launching your table-creation rocket, ensure you have clearance for liftoff. Check also that the NewTable is not already orbiting in the database's space to avoid a spatial collision. In non-astronomical terms, avoid naming conflicts.

When Column Names Play Hide and Seek

Confirm that all columns you SELECT have unique names or you may face a game of column hide and seek - we call it column ambiguity.

Tread Carefully with Large Datasets

Working with hefty views? You'd better bet on indexing the view or batch processing for better performance. Otherwise, it might feel like moving a mountain using a teaspoon.

The Predictable Unpredictability of Views

Combine TOP with ORDER BY to assure results you can bank on. Hint: This doesn't imply any financial gains.

View Optimization: No Overkill, Just Facts

Examine the execution plan of your view before crafting it into a table. This is not spy stuff, it's just search for possible optimizations.

Advanced Strategies and Triumph over Troubles

TOP and ORDER BY: Best Buddies for Consistent Results

Combining SELECT TOP (number) with an ORDER BY clause delivers a consistent subset of results:

SELECT TOP 100 * INTO NewTable FROM ExistingView ORDER BY SecretCode; -- It's not the nuclear launch code

Large View Dilemmas

Handling enormous views may fatten up your transaction log. Consider batch inserts or employ the WITH (NOLOCK) hint to deal with locking woes:

SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM ExistingView WITH (NOLOCK); -- Just like a bank heist without tripping the alarms

Avoiding Cloning Catastrophe

To elude data duplication, ensure your view doesn't sport redundant joins or sub-queries. And yes, reaching out to DISTINCT could be your lifesaver:

SELECT DISTINCT * INTO NewTable FROM ExistingView; -- No double agents allowed here

Schema Consistency

If your datatypes and constraints need an alteration, do well to create the table separately and then populate it:

CREATE TABLE NewTable (/* columns and constraints */); INSERT INTO NewTable SELECT * FROM ExistingView; -- Fill 'er up!