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Converting Symbols, Accent Letters to English Alphabet

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 3, 2025

To convert accent letters and symbols into English equivalents, take advantage of Java's Normalizer class, which decomposes each character and filters out diacritics with a regex.

Here's the core essence of what the conversion method looks like:

public static String toEnglishAlphabet(String text) { // Because we want a simple and happy normalized life, right? return Normalizer.normalize(text, Normalizer.Form.NFD) .replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""); // Bye bye diacritics! } System.out.println(toEnglishAlphabet("àéêöhello")); // Output: aeeohello

If StringUtils.stripAccents is your cup of tea, you can brew it by including Apache Commons Lang library in your project.

Ascend beyond the basics

Personalized Unicode solutions

For languages containing unique characters that cannot be simply mapped to English alphabets, consider utilizing lookup arrays or dictionaries that provide mappings for quick replacement of specific Unicode characters.

Choosing your library

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Assess which library, be it ICU4j, JUnidecode, or Apache Commons Lang3, has the prowess you need for Unicode conversion. Some of these offer algorithmic transformations, while others come equipped with predetermined character mappings.

Performance on your radar

When choosing your processing method or library, bear in mind that performance may take a hit, particularly for applications handling large text volumes. Therefore, do a little experiment and benchmark those methods to ensure they meet your speed expectations.

Crossing the T's and dotting the I's

Catering to specific languages

In some languages, merely stripping off accents does not make the cut. For instance, the German "ß" should be converted to "ss" - you'll need a touch of contextual understanding here.

Handling the heavyweight characters

Not all characters are equal! Unicode defines some supplementary characters that need some extra love because they are represented as Java chars pairs. Awareness of this can prevent accidental data loss or mutilation during conversion.

The Machine Learning advantage

For complex conversions, consider handy machine learning models that map complex Unicode to ASCII based on visual resemblance or frequency of usage. Though robust, this strategy provides a more comprehensive conversion system.