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Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 26, 2024

The quickest way to encode a string into an ArrayBuffer is by using new TextEncoder().encode(string);. To decode an ArrayBuffer back to a string, apply new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer);.

// Encode string to ArrayBuffer const arrayBuffer = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello, world!"); // Decode ArrayBuffer to string const decodedString = new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer);

These code snippets provide a quick and efficient way to convert between string and ArrayBuffer types.

Encoding and decoding with various encodings

Custom encoding

Modern applications often require different encoding mechanisms. You can specify the encoding when using TextDecoder for precise conversion.

// Specify encoding when decoding const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); const text = decoder.decode(arrayBuffer); // Behold! Our text, decoded in UTF-8, stands before us!

Remember that TextEncoder currently only supports UTF-8 encoding in majority of the browsers. The dominance of UTF-8 on the web makes this more than sufficient for most use cases.

Fallbacks and compatibility

For ensuring compatibility across different browsers, always check if TextEncoder and TextDecoder are supported by the current browser environment. If not, consider using polyfills like the stringencoding library.

if (window.TextEncoder && window.TextDecoder) { // Party on! We've got TextEncoder and TextDecoder. } else { // Time to load a polyfill, or fallback to a different method like we were preparing for the Y2K. }

Efficient storage using UTF-16

When you need to store an ArrayBuffer in localStorage, which accepts only strings, you can convert the binary data into a string using UTF-16 encoding. This can be a more space-efficient approach to storing binary data as strings compared to other methods.

// Store ArrayBuffer in localStorage using UTF-16 const str = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(arrayBuffer)); localStorage.setItem('key', str); // Done, the ArrayBuffer is tucked in nicely. Good night sweet ArrayBuffer, pleasant dreams!

Retrieving and converting it back to an ArrayBuffer:

const storedStr = localStorage.getItem('key'); const buffer = new Uint16Array(storedStr.split('').map(char => char.charCodeAt(0))).buffer; // It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!

Skywalker approach to ArrayBuffer and string conversion

Mastering the force with large data

When dealing with gargantuan datasets or binary files, your Jedi-level skills in TextEncoder and TextDecoder might hit a wall due to stack limitations. In such situations, "use the force" and process the data in smaller chunks.

// Phantom Menace: Large ArrayBuffer to string conversion function largeArrayBufferToString(arrayBuffer) { const chunkSize = 65535; // Size does matter! This is the maximum chunk size. const uint16Array = new Uint16Array(arrayBuffer); let string = ''; let i = 0; while(i < uint16Array.length) { // Attack of the Clones: Creating subarrays const subArray = uint16Array.subarray(i, Math.min(i + chunkSize, uint16Array.length)); string += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, subArray); i += chunkSize; } return string; // This string is your father! }

You may need to use similar strategies during encoding for handling large data chunks.

Detailed decoding techniques

For more power over your decoding, especially when dealing with binary data that isn't essentially text, you can use DataView to accomplish byte-level access.

// Get byte-level access with DataView const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); const value = dataView.getInt16(0); // Reads the first 2 bytes as an integer // Look, ma! I've got power over every byte!

Hot Tips and tricks for conversion

Flash conversion

While TextEncoder and TextDecoder provide an optimal standard method for conversion, you can also use String.fromCharCode with typed arrays for a rapid conversion, especially with small datasets. It's like using The Flash for delivering your letters instead of the mail service.

// Lightning-fast ArrayBuffer to string const quickString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)); // Speedy string to ArrayBuffer const quickArrayBuffer = Uint8Array.from('Quick Data'.split(''), char => char.charCodeAt(0)).buffer; // It’s not an illusion of speed. It’s really this quick.

Managing binary data

Note that methods such as TextEncoder and String.fromCharCode are not optimal for handling pure binary data. For such cases, consider Blob objects or ArrayBuffer views.

// Proper handling of binary data const byteArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); // The bits are strong with this one.

Handling real-world data

When fetching binary data from say, a network request, make sure to specify the responseType as 'arraybuffer' to retrieve the data in the right format.

// Fetching binary data as ArrayBuffer fetch('url', { method: 'GET', headers: new Headers({'Accept': 'application/octet-stream'}), }) .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(buffer => { // Here's your binary data, served as an ArrayBuffer! });