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Convert Long into Integer

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 22, 2024

To convert a Long object to an Integer, use the intValue() method:

Long longValue = 123L; Integer intValue = longValue.intValue();

This is safe only when the Long value is inside Integer's limits (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). If the value exceeds this range, you'll encounter overflow.

Handling nulls and overflow

Here, you might face two main issues: null value and possible overflow. To handle null values, a ternary operator can be used:

Long maybeNullValue = null; Integer intValue = (maybeNullValue != null) ? maybeNullValue.intValue() : null; // Make sure your maybes are definitely defined before conversion. Nulls can be very annoying.

For arresting overflow, Math.toIntExact() comes to the rescue:

Long longValue = 12345678910L; int intVal = 0; try { intVal = Math.toIntExact(longValue); // If 'longValue' was a cat, 'intVal' is a cheetah. Fast and compact. } catch (ArithmeticException e) { // The cat's too big to fit into a cheetah suit. }

Diverse conversion methods

Sometimes, simple intValue doesn't cut the mustard. Let's explore some more conversion strategies:

  • Integer.valueOf(long) can be utilized for an explicit conversion:

    Integer intVal = Integer.valueOf(longValue.intValue()); // The Oracle docs' said so - you can quote me on this.
  • Ints.checkedCast() from Google's Guava library safely checks for an overflow while casting:

    int intVal = Ints.checkedCast(longValue); // When in doubt, trust Google.

Performance quirks

Here are few points to ponder about performance:

  • Unpacking the Long and casting it seems simple, but it adds an unnecessary operation.

  • Using Math.toIntExact() has overflow checks built-in but it slows things down due to exception handling.

  • A ternary operator with null checks is light, but it adds a conditional statement.

Always weigh the performance cost against the convenience they offer.

Being range conscious

An important point to remember during conversion is the 32-bit range limit of Integer. Going outside this range while converting will result in unexpected outcomes or precision loss.

The magic of auto-unboxing

In some situations, the compiler does this conversion magic called auto-unboxing:

Long longValue = 123L; int intValue = longValue; // Compiler's little magic trick // "And for my next trick...", -Java Compiler probably.

Be aware though, this illusion crashes if your Long value is null.

Choose according to your scenario

Depending on the scenario, your conversion approach may differ:

  • For painless safety checks, stick with Math.toIntExact() unless performance is crucial.
  • When dealing with possible null values, use a ternary operator to provide a default value.
  • Need to handle overflow and already using Guava in your project? Ints.checkedCast() is your go-to function.
  • For a simple and direct conversion within safe bounds, you can't go wrong with intValue().