Clear all fields in a form upon going back with browser back button
Ever had the experience where you go back to a form you previously filled and it retains the filled-out fields? Well, to avoid this, engage the load
event in JavaScript along withperformance.navigation
. No extra input from the user needed.
Copy this script into your HTML and let it handle the field clearance like a vacuum cleaner on a dusty carpet.
Handling browser autofill and page navigation
Disabling form autofill
Web browsers can be nosy and remember what users type into form fields, prefiling these values when we navigate back to the form. Wrap your form in <form autocomplete="off">
to tell browsers to mind their own business. This works like the "Private Browsing" of form data.
Using the "pageshow" event
Browsers cache pages to optimize performance, so navigating back often fetches these cached pages, skipping a full-reload (the load event). Fret not, 'pageshow' has your back.
Be it fresh load or busting out of cache, the code snippet above ensures the form fields are always cleared.
Clearing disabled fields
By default, the reset operation leaves disabled input fields untouched, but your form may contain disabled fields with auto-generated values that shouldn't be resubmitted:
This bit of code handles disabled fields like a broom sweeping under the rug - it gets every bit.
Forcing server reload
If your page is fetched from the server each time, you can ensure fresh form states through window.performance.navigation.type
. This method avoids double trouble - duplicate submissions are busted.
Handling cross-browser compatibility and custom events
Managing custom events
Some fields may be tied to custom events that should be triggered upon change:
This doubles as a workout for your form, refreshing all the inputs and triggering a wave of change events.
Testing on various browsers
Browsers are like different flavored pizza slices; they work differently. Remember to test your code on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari for the bfcache behavior.
Navigating limitations
Just like you can't win all games, you can't always have an all-compatible solution. Different browsers have different rules. It's like playing bingo but everyone has a different set of numbers.
Continuous validation
Laptop users: never stop scrolling. Developers: never stop validating. Implement, test, validate, and then repeat.
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