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Center HTML Input Text Field Placeholder

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 16, 2024

Center an HTML input's placeholder text by applying text-align: center; to the ::placeholder pseudo-element:

input[type="text"]::placeholder { text-align: center; /* Bam! Your placeholder is now centered */ }

Attaching the attribute selector type="text" ensures that only inputs of text type have centered placeholders. Like a VIP tag for input fields:

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter text here. Not elsewhere.">

Setting the stage: Input field styling

Providing input field dimensions

Creating a consistent placeholder centering requires defined input field dimensions and styling. Imagine it as a canvas for your placeholder. Here's a basic setup:

input[type="text"] { /* Hey there, good looking! 😉 */ width: 300px; /* Providing 'elbow room' for the placeholder to strut! */ height: 40px; /* Setting the stage for the main actor - placeholder */ border: 1px solid; /* Framing our canvas */ }

Coding for different browsers

Like sugar and spice make everything nice, vendor-specific pseudo-elements make the placeholder centering just right across different browsers:

input[type="text"]::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* For the Chrome/Opera/Safari squad */ text-align: center; /* Time to align...and shine! 🔆 */ } input[type="text"]::-moz-placeholder { /* For the Firefox fans */ text-align: center; /* Centrally Align! No, it's not a new dance move... */ opacity: 1; /* Firefox's shot of 'pick me up' for a Monday morning */ } input[type="text"]:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Hello Internet Explorer...yes, you still exist */ text-align: center; /* Finally, centering enters Internet Explorer's realm */ }

Constantly refer to MDN web docs for the most current browser compatibility for the ::placeholder pseudo-element.

Centering placeholders in everyday coding

Quick centering using inline styles

Entered a placeholder centering emergency? Utilize inline styles for immediate relief!

<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Text" style="text-align: center;"> /* Inline styling to the rescue! 🚑 */

Selective centering with CSS classes

When not all placeholders are created equal, selective centering is needed. Enter the CSS class:

.place-holder-center::placeholder { text-align: center; /* Center-ception: Center within a center */ }

Attach this class to input fields accordingly:

<input type="text" class="place-holder-center" placeholder="Enter Text">

Centering the whole form—HTML style

As a perfectionist you may also want to center the entire form. Although we miss the <center> tag, modern CSS is here to save the day:

form { display: flex; /* Time to flex 💪some CSS muscles */ justify-content: center; /* Centering the form */ align-items: center; /* Vertically aligning the form's inner contents */ }

Crossing the T's and dotting the I's

Form rendering and functionality

Ensuring that all HTML tags close properly, and providing a submit button for form functionality is vital.

<form method="POST" action="submit_url_here"> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Text"> <button type="submit">Submit</button> /* Click me! I dare you...I double dare you! */ </form>

Testing - the Litmus test

Post styling, put your form to the test. It’s like a final exam - only more fun!