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Case statement in MySQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton ShumikhinΒ·Sep 5, 2024

The CASE statement in MySQL allows for conditional logic in SQL queries, attributing values according to specific criteria:

SELECT employee_id, CASE WHEN salary < 3000 THEN 'Entry level' // Duty calls! Can't afford coffee β˜• WHEN salary <= 7000 THEN 'Mid level' // Upgraded to chai latte 🍡 ELSE 'Senior level' // Sipping on a cappucino by the window β˜•πŸŒ€οΈ END AS experience_level FROM employees;

This request returns each employee_id along with an experience_level label sorted by their salary.

Portability and MySQL-specific Functions

Keeping to standard SQL syntax, such as the CASE statement, ensures portability across various SQL databases. Although MySQL-specific functions like IF() might seem more straightforward or readable, using CASE guarantees a smoother transition between SQL systems.

Here's how IF() simplifies the same query:

SELECT employee_id, IF(salary < 3000, 'Entry level', //πŸ…±οΈeginner mode IF(salary <= 7000, 'Mid level', // πŸ†™ Upgrade! 'Senior level')) AS experience_level // πŸ’° Rolling in dough! FROM employees;

Take it for a spin! Explore different data scenarios to ensure accuracy, and you'll find CASE could do the heavy lifting in complex conditions quite efficiently.

Unmatched conditions and default values

Defining a default case using ELSE in a CASE statement ensures all rows receive a value assignment. If no conditions are met, the default value ensures no row gets left behind!

SELECT product_id, CASE WHEN quantity > 50 THEN 'Bulk stock' WHEN quantity > 10 THEN 'Sufficient stock' ELSE 'Low stock' // Danger! Danger! Low inventory detected! 🚨 END AS stock_status FROM products;

This guards against null values in critical fields which could turn your otherwise fun data extraction experience into a debug saga!

CASE in Action: Peeling Back the Layers

Mixing Conditions with AND, OR and More!

CASE statements don't shy away from a good mix! Here's how they navigate multiple conditions, nested CASE statements, or logical operators like AND, OR:

SELECT customer_id, CASE WHEN age < 20 AND student = 'yes' THEN 'Young student discount' // Early bird special WHEN age BETWEEN 20 AND 65 THEN 'Standard pricing' // Alas, the burden of adulting ELSE 'Senior citizen discount' // Silver surfer's delight! END AS pricing_tier FROM customers;

Non-Match? Bring in the zeroes!

To bypass NULL landmines, assign a default numeric value like 0 when no conditions fulfill:

SELECT product_id, CASE WHEN is_discounted THEN discount_value // Markdown baby! ELSE 0 // Regular is too main-stream 😌 END AS discount_applied FROM products;

The Special Case of NULL

Be wary! In a CASE statement, MySQL treats NULL as unmatched in any WHEN clause. Tread with caution:

SELECT user_id, CASE WHEN last_login_date IS NULL THEN 'Never logged in' // Where art thou? ELSE 'Active user' // Hallo! Welcome back! END AS user_status FROM users;