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Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 15, 2024

Encountering "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)" could mean that MySQL is not running or there is a misconfigured socket. Here are some initial steps to try:

  1. Start MySQL using sudo service mysql start.
  2. Confirm the socket path in my.cnf, or use the --socket flag with the MySQL client.
  3. Connect using socket path if non-default: mysql -u user -p --socket=/path/to/mysql.sock.

Checking MySQL service status and ensuring the correctness of socket path might help. It's also wise to plan for OS updates, which can stop the service—thus necessitating a service restart.

Troubleshooting basic server issues

Ensuring that MySQL server is running

Let's not assume. Issues could be as simple as the MySQL server not running:

sudo systemctl status mysql # or, if you're using init.d scripts sudo service mysql status # Replies with a 'zzz', anybody need coffee?

Verifying socket availability

The /tmp/mysql.sock file should physically exist. If it doesn't, we need to find it or consider creating it:

# Search like a detective for the socket file find / -type s -name "mysql.sock" 2>/dev/null # If not found, create a symbolic link, like a road sign for MySQL ln -s /actual/path/to/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock

To persist symbolic links, consider these options:

  • Edit .profile: Add symbolic link creation command.
  • Create alias: Add an alias to your shell profile, like .bashrc or .zshrc: alias fixmysql='ln -s /actual/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock'.

Dealing with non-standard issues

Adjust client configuration

my.cnf or .cnf might harbor the wrong client settings. Ensure they're in sync with the server:

[client] socket=/correct/path/to/mysql.sock # "The socket is a lie" - Portal fans, anyone?

Socket-less connection

TCP/IP can be your friend if the socket file is acting up:

mysql -u yourusername -p -h # No socket, no problem! 🎉


Mac users, MAMP could spare you the headache by providing a MySQL-friendly environment.

Maintain connections and configurations

Modifying server path

Change socket path if MySQL uses an unusual one:

[mysqld] socket=/your/path/to/mysql.sock

Ensure links persist across reboots via cron or systemd. Also, ensure MySQL is part of the startup services.

Confirm consistent access

Last but not least, check MySQL’s status in System Preferences or Services, and verify your access by confirming a password prompt when connecting to MySQL.