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Can't compile project when I'm using Lombok under IntelliJ IDEA

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 30, 2024

For a quick fix to compile your Java project with Lombok in IntelliJ IDEA, make sure the Lombok Plugin is installed via Settings > Plugins. Following that, turn on the annotation processing in Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors by ticking the Enable annotation processing box.

// The "quick fix": Install Lombok Plugin and enable annotation processing // To install the plugin: Settings > Plugins > Lombok Plugin // To turn on annotation processing: Settings > Compiler > Annotation Processors > Check 'Enable annotation processing' // This might be faster than downloading more RAM ;)

Detailed procedure

Your problem is most likely due to a few simple but often missed configurations in your IntelliJ IDEA setup for working with Lombok.

Step 1: Set up the environment

Make sure to restart IntelliJ IDEA if prompted after installing the Lombok plugin and setting annotation processing. Rebuild your project afterward.

Step 2: Check the dependencies

The configuration file pom.xml or build.gradle should have Lombok included in your project's dependencies. In the case of Gradle, use the semantics of annotationProcessor to declare Lombok dependencies.

Counter measures

Conflict resolutions

Some IntelliJ plugins can be a party pooper and conflict with Lombok implementation. Pinpoint these nuisances by temporarily disabling other plugins one by one.

Double check your settings

Don't fall for the classic blunder! Global and project-specific settings must both have annotation processing enabled.

Handling persistent issues

Migration to Scala

Scala might be a worthy contender if Lombok refuses to play ball. You gain a feature-rich language and lose the boilerplate you wanted Lombok to help with.

Reach out for help

You're not alone in this! The IntelliJ IDEA community or the official resources are there to help with Lombok-related troubleshooting.

Review project build

Always remember to evaluate your build file (pom.xml or build.gradle) for project dependencies and plugin configurations.