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Can I catch multiple Java exceptions in the same catch clause?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 10, 2024

Yes, multi-catch is a super power you can use to address different exceptions with a single fail-safe umbrella – a one-size-fits-all solution in Java 7+.


try { // Try launching a spaceship } catch (AliensAttackException | ChickenCrossedRoadException e) { System.err.println("Houston, we have a problem: " + e.getMessage()); // one fix for all issues! }

Here, the wrath of alien invasion and crossing chicken (refer to common joke) is sheltered under one roof. There AliensAttackException and ChickenCrossedRoadException are dealt with together, avoiding two lines of defense.

Condensing catch blocks

Is your catch block becoming a scrollable item? Multi-catch to the rescue! Catch multiple exceptions in the same block, if they are handled similarly – leading to more concise and eloquent code.

Hierarchy in exceptions – the superclass catch

Sometimes, less is more. The superclass of exceptions can sleeve all the exceptions within its hierarchy. This helps in intelligently catching groups of related exceptions, with the instanceof operator shining the spotlight on precise exception types.

Leaving exceptions to the high command

You can let an exception propagate to a higher level where they are dealt with, instead of struggling with it in lower levels. Signify this in your method signatures – delegating the hard tasks to the bosses!

Code organization – The art of multi-catch

Keep your catch blocks neat and organized. This not only serves aesthetics but also enhances code readability and maintenance.

Actionable plans for handling exceptions

Not all heroes wear capes, some catch exceptions. Ensure that each catch block has an action plan, more than just logging the error, for properly dealing with the exception.

The art of strategizing for unexpected exceptions

All exceptions won't come announced. For unexpected exceptions, always prepare for an attack – have a fallback plan or recovery method in place.

Legacy, the Java 6 way

Before Java 7, use an if-else block to deal with multiple exceptions. Though more verbose, it works just fine.

Advanced tactics to avoid common pitfalls

Every warrior has fallen into traps, so will you. Tread carefully as working with multi-catch isn't always a bed of roses and could hide thorns (awkward issues).

When to act solo – Separate catch blocks

Certain exceptions require a personal touch. If they require different handling, catch them separately to demonstrate your intent clearly.