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Arraylist initialization equivalent to array initialization

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 8, 2024

To initiate an ArrayList with elements, follow this code snippet:

ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

Arrays.asList generates an immutable list. Wrapping it with new ArrayList<> converts it into a mutable ArrayList. This strikes a balance between streamlined syntax and versatility.

Breaking down Arrays.asList

Let's discuss the highlight reel of Arrays.asList:

Arrays.asList provides a handy shortcut to initialize ArrayLists with predefined values. This method generates a fixed-size list backed by the specifics:

ArrayList<String> nofrills = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("coffee", "code", "repeat"));

FYI, Arrays.asList() jots down a fixed size list. An UnsupportedOperationException is thrown if you try any hanky-panky like adding or removing elements. To have a truly modifiable ArrayList, your best bet is wrapping it as shown.

Pros of List.of and Arrays.asList

The hard-hitting benefits of these methods are:

  • Efficiency: They manage to squeeze an ArrayList initialization into a single line.
  • Readability: Spare your own sanity from add method overdose.
  • Maintainability: Managing a list becomes a cakewalk with centralized values.
  • Flexibility: Wrapping methods with new ArrayList<>() pumps you up for further modifications.

Code snippets for complex initialization

The clone army with Collections.nCopies

To populate your ArrayList with identical values, use this:

ArrayList<String> clones = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(42, "groovy")); // The answer to life, universe, and everything ... is "groovy" repeated 42 times. 😉

Java Streams to the rescue

For more intricate initialization, like populating with a range of numbers, use Java Streams:

ArrayList<Integer> range = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10) .boxed() .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); // Not only for counting your fingers, can go beyond that! 😏

Double Brace Initialization for emphasis

Double Brace Initialization accentuates readability. Word of caution, it spawns an anonymous subclass:

ArrayList<Integer> dbi = new ArrayList<>() {{ add(1); add(2); add(3); // Easy as 1,2,3. 🎵 }};

Be wary though, this might groove the path to memory leaks.

Alternative Collections

Upgrading beyond ArrayList

Is ArrayList too vanilla for you? Check out other collections like HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet. They might be more fitting, considering your specific use-cases about order or duplicates.

Exploring immutable collections

If immutability tickles your fancy, then List.of will serve you without extra conversions:

List<String> unmodifiable = List.of("Here", "There", "Everywhere"); // No "Anywhere?" because you can't add it. 😜

Venturing into Java 9 and beyond

For those tech trendsetters using Java 9 or later, List.of and Set.of introduce a modern touch to immutable collections' syntax.

Things to remember

Here's the catch when using ArrayList initializations:

  • Surprise immutability: List.of and Arrays.asList return immutable lists. So, no sneaky add-ons.
  • Allocation inefficiency: Memory's precious, don't splurge unnecessarily by declaring an ArrayList with an excessive size.
  • Concurrent modifications: Fiddling with the foundational array of Arrays.asList can unleash some unexpected monsters (aka bugs).