Are there any Java method ordering conventions?
Here's the scoop:
- Constructors - the gatekeepers.
- Fields, with the static ones leading the charge.
- Public methods, as they're the VIPs here.
- Rounding it out with the private sidekicks.
What it means:
- Flow mirrors object lifecycle - from creation to utility.
- Grouping related elements - like peas in a pod.
Light on the tips!
If you've got to take it up a notch, here's how:
- Public over Private: Put your public API first. Make it as accessible as your favorite coffee mug.
- Logical order: Arrange methods by their natural flow to maintain your class story.
- Accessor Alignment: Group getters and setters at the end but close to their related fields. It keeps them from getting lonely.
When classes grow up
Large classes that seem like a sprawling city need a touch of order too:
- Break it down: if your class is flirting with gigantism, it's time to split it up.
- Matter Over Generic: Prominent non-static methods should supersede the regular auxiliary folk.
- Private matters: Private methods with zero inside connection should sit at the end.
Static and "main" method - the VIP lounge
Keep an eye on your static methods and the celebrated main
- Statics after Constructors: They're self-sufficient utilities. They operate on a class level, not instances.
- 'main' Flexibility: It's your game, so keep 'main' where you fancy - top for visibility or bottom as an exit point.
Refactoring and naming makes code dapper
Remember, refactoring and apt naming are the secret ingredients of readable code:
- Functional Class Names: Make class names speak for themselves. It sets an inherent method ordering.
- Adaptive Refactoring: Learning to refactor code better is akin to packing a survival kit.
- Speak Up, Properly!: Make method names communicative to hint their roles, so they sit at the correct spot, chilling like a villain.
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