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Append an element with fade in effect

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 2, 2024

Immediately include and animate fresh content with a smooth fade-in transition thanks to jQuery:

$('<div> New kid on the block </div>').hide().appendTo('#parent-div').fadeIn(1000);

This chain of methods creates a div node, keeps it under wraps, attaches it to #parent-div, then lifts the veil over the duration of one second.

Action breakdown

Chain 'em up!

Leverage jQuery's power of method chaining for conjoined actions. Link up .hide(), .appendTo(), and .fadeIn() to form a single, fluid step.

Your pace, your animation

Tailor the duration of fadeIn to your user experience. Our example sets 1000 milliseconds for a whole second of debut. Feel inspired to play with other timings.

Spot-on animation

Ensure the animation focuses only on the new content, keeping the existing #parent-div untouched. This precision in targeting guarantees a seamless, professional transition.

When and why to use this

Callbacks for the rescue

Callbacks let you fire an additional piece of code once the fade-in finishes. Handy for further interaction or tracking event analytics.

$('<div>Encore Act</div>').hide().appendTo('#stage').fadeIn(1000, function() { console.log('The applause was loud, but my code is louder!'); });

Mix, not stir!

You can creatively mix .fadeIn() with other jQuery effects like .slideUp() or .slideDown() for compound animations. This combines multiple events and enhances your page's storytelling capacity.

Real-time updates

Implementing fade-in for dynamic content becomes valuable when dealing with single-page applications or content refreshes sans page reload.

Troubleshooting issues

Load time hiccups

To prevent any visible change before animation, ensure that your content is genuinely invisible at load time. Be wary of external CSS visibility rules.

Selector ambiguity

A key to smooth transitions is unambiguous selectors. Ill-defined selectors may lead to unwanted elements being animated, resulting in disrupting user experience.

Device performances

Keep an eye on performance on low-power devices. Elaborate or multiple animations can be resource-intensive. You can get around this by using request animation frames or delaying off-screen animations.