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:app:lintvitalrelease error when generating signed apk

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 25, 2024

To quickly get around the :app:lintVitalRelease error, you could tweak your build.gradle with this snippet:

lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false // Ducks the Lint system entirely, proceed with caution! }

This lets you generate your signed APK without Lint objections. But remember, this is a sneak-around. You ought to fix Lint warnings eventually for long-term code health.

Drill down on root causes

Run a thorough lint error check

First stop: go through the lint-results-yourBuildName-fatal.html report meticulously. It gives a detailed account of every error lint caught. It resides in the [app module]/build/reports folder of your project.

Fine-tuning error reports

Sometimes, the path to the lint report may seem long-winded. Just light the path with a guiding snippet in your build.gradle:

android { lintOptions { htmlOutput file("build/reports/lint-results-${variant.name}.html") htmlReport true // Make the report prettier! } }

Swapping debug for release

Do a quick switch of the build variant to release and ensure the debuggable flag is set to false in your manifest. It's a backstage pass for your APK to Google Play:

<application android:debuggable="false"> ... </application>

Overcome language and Kotlin barriers

Translation errors in string.xml files can play spoilsport. Make sure to tie these loose ends. If you're riding the Kotlin wave, ensure the Android section is tailored in your build.gradle:

android { ... kotlinOptions { // To appease the Kotlin gods! } }

Draw lint boundaries

Sketch a baseline file for your lint. It's like a checkpoint, good to fall back to for focusing on newer issues:

android { lintOptions { baseline file("lint-baseline.xml") // Your past problems, preserved! } }

Practice focused error resolution

lint-results-yourBuildName-fatal.html points out lint's objections like a strict schoolmaster. Go solve 'em all to break past the :app:lintVitalRelease nuisance.

Refine build scripting

Understand the deactivation trade-off

While you may be tempted to completely chuck out lint with checkReleaseBuilds, recognize that it's a blindfold. Use it sparingly.

lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false // The "I can't hear you!" approach. Use responsibly }

Handling false positives

Occasionally, lint marks code with false errors. In such cases, use ignoreWarnings or lint suppress annotations, but only when you're convinced. Promise!

lintOptions { ignoreWarnings true // Yelling "Fake news!" only when you're really, really sure }
@SuppressLint("LintErrorType") private void myMethod() { // Code that gives lint the jitters erroneously }

Try command line power

For a prompt feedback loop, nothing beats the good old command line to run lint checks:

./gradlew lintVitalRelease // Gets the job done, without the frills!