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Any shortcut to initialize all array elements to zero?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 6, 2024

In Java, the array elements of primitives automatically initialize to zero when declared:

int[] arr = new int[10]; // voila, all zeroes. No magic tricks up the sleeve!

To reset an array back to zero, use Arrays.fill():

Arrays.fill(arr, 0); // the magic eraser for any array mess

Default Initialization: The Zeroes Play

When you initialize an array with primitive types (int, byte, short, long) in Java, our hero, the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), comes to rescue by automatically setting each element to zero. So, put your loops aside. JVM has got it covered!

byte[] byteArray = new byte[15]; // JVM paints it all zero, like a skilled artist

Non-primitive Arrays: The Null Tale

Arrays of objects, such as String[] or MyObject[], rendezvous with null upon initialization. Need a different default value? Arrays.fill() is your knight in shining armor:

MyObject[] objArray = new MyObject[10]; Arrays.fill(objArray, new MyObject()); // filling the cookie jar with the same cookie!

Remember, this creates and fills the array with identical MyObject instances.

Array Tricks & Tips: The Hacks Saga

Clone Wars with Collections

Duplicate an object instance across an array without manual iteration using Collections.nCopies() and Arrays.fill():

Object[] objects = new Object[5]; Arrays.fill(objects, Collections.nCopies(5, new Object()).get(0)); // One clone army, coming right up!

The Integer-Primitives Transformation

Transform a horde of Integer objects into an int[] array with Apache Commons's ArrayUtils.toPrimitive() technique:

Integer[] integerObjects = {1, 2, 3}; // Integer objects int[] primitiveInts = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(integerObjects); // Presto! The primitives takeover.

Performance over Redundancy

Dodging manual loops to initialize arrays can boost performance. Java automatically initializes array elements, making loops for the same redundant.

In the Realm of Performance

Sizing up Performance

Arrays.fill() might seem fast, but it may not be the swiftest for large arrays. Investigate System.arraycopy() or Arrays.copyOf() for better performance due to their system code optimizations.

The Multi-dimensional Labyrinth

For multi-dimensional arrays, remember to initialize each inner array separately.

Watchmen for Data Loss

Alert! Overusing Arrays.fill() can lead to unanticipated data loss, especially, if array elements are already populated.

Array Pitfalls: The Traps and Trials

Here are some common array pitfalls to watch out for:

The Error of Indices

Verify the array's length when using Arrays.fill(). Filling beyond array’s size leads to ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Beating the Clone Attack

Use caution when initializing reference type arrays to non-null values. You might end up with multiple references to the same object.

Thread Safety

In a multi-threaded setting, initializing or resetting arrays should be handled to prevent race conditions.