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Angularjs ng-repeat with no HTML element

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 29, 2025

ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end directives in AngularJS facilitate repeating without the addition of extra HTML elements.

<!-- Looping through "items" without the burden of unwanted wrapping --> <!-- These span markers runs incognito while you can chill out --> <span ng-repeat-start="item in items"></span> {{ item }} <span ng-repeat-end></span>

Invisible span markers ensure your output comprises solely of your template data, promoting a more streamlined code.

For a cleaner layout, trading standard directives for custom directives with replace: true property can be considered, providing the ng-repeat effect without enclosing the <div> element.

Efficient ways to implement ng-repeat

Using custom directives

Create a custom directive employing replace: true property for an uncomplicated ng-repeat operation without leaving behind any HTML residue.

<my-custom-repeat data="items"></my-custom-repeat>

It provides a leaner DOM structure, boosting performance and ensuring browser compatibility.

Null directive with ng-include combination

Pairing the null directive with ng-include can iterate elements effectively without the need for a container. Clean code gives your application a sleek look.

<!-- "null" directive with ng-include --> <ng-include src="'item_template.html'" ng-repeat="item in items"></ng-include>

Removing directive for sleek implementation

A remove directive replaces ng-repeat containers with a comment, thus preserving the document flow and layout.

<!-- Apply custom "remove" directive --> <div custom-remove ng-repeat="item in items"></div>

The implementation of this technique boosts performance, all the while reaping the benefits of ng-repeat.

Complementary approaches

Learning from KnockoutJS

KnockoutJS's containerless binding solution could be instrumental emulating a similar lighter syntax in AngularJS realm. Broadening horizons never hurts!

Leveraging Jsbin examples

Jsbin examples add multitude practical scenario experience to the repetitious usage of ng-repeat-end on the same tag. The best teachers are always the experienced ones.

<!-- ng-repeat-end illustration --> <span class="item" ng-repeat-start="item in items">{{item}}</span> <span ng-repeat-end></span>

Utilize custom list divider directive

Including dividers within loops with a custom list divider directive add space between list items, creating a visually appealing list. A little breathing space promotes clarity and readability.