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Angular ng-repeat in reverse

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 2, 2024

Easily reverse the ng-repeat list in AngularJS by using the orderBy filter in your HTML:

<div ng-repeat="item in myArray | orderBy:'-$index'"> {{item}} </div>

Easy and effective, this line of code uses Angular's orderBy filter to sort by the descending $index, thus reversing the order in which items are shown. No need to modify the controller or any data.

Building a custom filter

Creating the reverse filter

A powerful tool to have in your Angular utility belt is a custom filter. This can be used for not only arrays but adapted for other data types like strings. Below is the basic structure to start creating your own:

app.filter('reverse', function() { // Reverse-engineering the usual order, get it? ;) return function(items) { return items.slice().reverse(); }; });

Prioritizing type safety

By checking first whether your input is an array, you safeguard against potentially fatal errors and enhance the robustness of your filter:

app.filter('reverse', function() { return function(items) { // Secret service level of safety checks if (angular.isArray(items)) { return items.slice().reverse(); } // Handle misdemeanors here or just return them as they are return items; }; });

Ensuring original data integrity

Working with the slice() method is important because it ensures the original array remains untouched. This way, you keep the integrity of your data intact while having fun rearranging them!

Utilizing and customizing orderBy

Examining the documentation

Reading the AngularJS documentation would make you realise that there are features you may not be aware of, like reversing arrays without extra methods. Though a bit more reading wouldn't hurt, would it?

Uncovering orderBy secrets

Use an object with the reverse:true attribute to reverse the array without affecting the sort order:

<div ng-repeat="item in myArray | orderBy:expression:reverse"> {{item}} </div>

Here, setting reverse to true gives you a reversed array sans sorting.

Beyond the array element

If you don't want to sort based on specific fields, use the orderBy filter with the array element itself as a comparator:

<div ng-repeat="item in myArray | orderBy:this"> {{item}} </div>

See how versatile orderBy can be!

Practical use-cases and considerations

Reversing in the controller

Sometimes, you just have to do things the old-fashioned way—like reversing arrays right in the controller. Adding this saves you from editing the view later:

$scope.myReversedList = $scope.myArray.slice().reverse();

Performance matters

Reversing large arrays or doing so too frequently can lead to performance issues. Remember, efficiency matters as much as execution. Always consider which methods would suit best based on your application's functionalities and usage patterns.

Thinking flexible: Extending to strings

For additional flexibility, consider extending the custom reverse filter to handle different data types like strings. This way, the reverse filter becomes a more useful tool that caters to a wider range of scenarios.