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Angular 4 img src is not found**

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 15, 2024

To resolve the img src not found issue in Angular 4, place your image inside the src/assets folder. Then, reference it in your template from the project's base with the correct path:

<img src="assets/your-image.png" alt="description">

Double-check your path and confirm assets is referenced in your project's angular.json file. This step ensures the images get bundled in production builds correctly.

Right image storage and linking

Image storage and linking might sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack, but fret not! Start by placing images into Angular's assets folder in the root directory. This consistency makes organizing your project easier. 👍 Now, onto dynamics:

  • Utilise the power of Angular's interpolation {{imagePath}} or property binding [src]="imagePath" — seriously, they're as cool as they sound.
  • Store images in separate directories under assets for better organization. Think of it as a digital Marie Kondo for your project!

No kidding, path and file management are important

// Whoever said managing paths isn't fun, hasn't tried it enough! export class MyComponent { imagePath: string = 'assets/images/shiny-object.jpg'; }

This gives the imagePath a value pointing to your image. Whoa, shiny! Now, let's put that in your HTML template:

<img [src]="imagePath" alt="Shiny object">

Remember to check your file's extension and that it actually exists. Triple-checked, captain!

Dynamic path assignment

In the TypeScript file, dynamically set your image source with a variable for the path. Yes, we are going dynamic, like disco balls and lasers! 💫

export class YourComponent { imagePath = 'assets/superdynamic.png'; }

Then, let it shine in your HTML like:

<img [src]="imagePath" alt="Super dynamic">

Using Angular's mighty data binding, you can change the source to match user interaction or your mood.

Checking twice, deploying once

Confused why your image won't load? Time for some debugging fun!

  • Use your browser's developer tools to inspect the img element and verify the computed path. It's like the playing detective, but in code!
  • Look for the image request in the network tab and inspect the response. Remember, a 404 status code is just a machine's way of saying "Dude, where's my car.. er.. image?" 🕵️‍♂️

If you still can't solve it, no worries! We've all been there. Just make sure your angular.json file includes assets in the build configuration.

Deploying like a pro

When deploying your app, ensure you've included assets in the Angular CLI's bundling features. This simple step can save hours of debugging, and who doesn't like that, right?