Android Room Database: How to handle Arraylist in an Entity?
To use Room Database handling an ArrayList, we need to implement TypeConverter to serialize the list into a JSON String with the aid of Gson and also deserialize it back. The converter is then integrated by annotating your Room Database class with @TypeConverters
This ensures that ArrayList fields have correct persistence in your Room entities.
Detailed insights & best practices
Storing complex data types such as ArrayList
in Room Database needs careful steps to ensure efficiency and reliability. Below, you'll find some of the advanced techniques and potential issues that you should bear in mind:
Custom converters for complex item types
In cases where your ArrayList
encompasses custom objects, e.g., ArrayList<MyListItems>
, you'll need a special custom converter. Here's how you can modify your converter to accommodate such:
Using relationships and foreign keys
As an alternative to TypeConverters, consider modeling your entities to contain natural relationships thanks to @Entity and @ForeignKey:
In such cases, don't forget to use a ViewModel to handle interactions between entities and the corresponding ArrayLists.
Serialization in Kotlin
Given Gson is widely accepted, Kotlin developers may prefer the kotlinx.serialization library offering a more streamlined solution:
Potential pitfalls and trade-offs
- If items of your list could be stored as a single JSON String, try avoiding setting up separate tables using a TypeConverter.
- Keep serialization and deserialization performance in mind when dealing with large lists.
- Think about normalizing data if there are dupes in your ArrayLists. This can save space and optimize queries.
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