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Alternative to column name "order" in MySQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 31, 2024

Overcome the reserved keyword order dilemma in MySQL by using backticks or opt for replacing it with non-reserved terms like sort_sequence, ranking, or list_position. This adds clarity and circumvents conflicts.


SELECT `order` FROM my_table; -- Backticks: Allowing `order` to cut in line SELECT sort_sequence FROM my_table; -- Renaming: A peaceful resolution

Intuitive alternatives

When deciding on an alternate to order, your data's context is vital. Consider what each substitute implies in your specific case.

  • sequence_no: Perfect for a strict, consecutive order. Like the Star Wars saga order. Yes, start with Episode IV.
  • sort_index: Signifies flexible ordering. Imagine your shuffled Spotify Playlist.

Convey Meaning via Column Names

Maintain consistency in naming conventions across your tables to make your database schema user-friendly and maintainable.

  • Use prefixes like tbl_ to clarify which table a column belongs to.
  • For multi-word column names, use camelCase or snake_case for better readability.

Quote-it to Note-it

If you insist on using a reserved word, MySQL has got your back! Enclose the order identifier in backticks (`):

CREATE TABLE my_table ( `order` INT );

Take this as an emergency exit, using it may lead to confusion.

Context Equals Clarity

While picking a new column name, don't forget to picture the purpose and intent behind that column:

  • rank: If it's a competitive order, this term can take up the mantle.
  • hierarchy: Ideal for a tree-like arrangement of data.

Keep the name as expressive as possible. Specificity beats ambiguity - Always!

Descriptive Keywords Win

Replace order considering what your data represents. E-commerce? Use cart_sequence for a user's product lineup. Project management? task_priority might be more fitting.

  • step_order: Best for a checklist or workflow.
  • display_order: For defining the visual arrangement of UI elements.

A column name that mirrors its content and usage can be a time-saving shortcut.

Document The Outliers

Always document any unconventional naming decisions. This helps in comprehending your reasoning even when you are not around to explain it.

  • Prioritize inline comments in your SQL scripts for quick schema-related details.
  • Consider a data dictionary for a more detailed commentary on your schema.