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Adding HTML entities using CSS content

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 16, 2024

For a non-breaking space in CSS, forget the HTML entity  . Instead, use the Unicode \00a0 directly in ::before or ::after:

.element::after { /* Space, the final frontier... */ content: "\00a0"; }

This line of code conjures a non-breaking space into the content, keeping your HTML pristine and your CSS fit for action.

Clean writing and legibility

In the universe of CSS, clarity and accuracy are the stars that guide us. You must include a space after a CSS escape sequence to prevent a collision of characters:

.element::before { /* No character left behind */ content: "\00a0\0020"; }

The \0020 indicates the space character, ensuring the following text doesn't merge with the preceding non-breaking space.

HTML entities to Unicode

Say goodbye to HTML entities in CSS. Welcome Unicode with open arms. For instance, convert » (») to Unicode \00bb:

.element::before { /* Transformations, roll out! */ content: "\00bb"; }

A programmer's calculator or a Unicode table can come to your rescue to find the correct code for any symbol.

Dodging potential booby traps

Attempt using HTML entities in your CSS content sparingly:

/* A mission gone south */ .element::before { content: " "; }

The above code actually spells out   rather than placing a space. Stick to Unicode escapes in CSS to keep the display accurate.

Injecting symbols

Every HTML entity has a Unicode alter ego; for instance, ⋄ (♦) transforms into \2666. Here's how the magic works:

.element::after { /* Diamonds are a girl's best friend */ content: "\2666"; }

Let's do the math

Mathematical symbols are no exception; × (×) is \00d7 in its Unicode form:

.element::before { /* Mind the multiplication */ content: "\00d7"; }

Music to the ears

To add a musical note, &eighthnote; (♪), you can use \266a:

.element::after { /* Let the music play */ content: "\266a"; }

Discovering more gems

Spacious arrangements

For symmetrical beauty, you may need a broader space. Sound the trumpets for \2002 or en-space:

.element::after { /* Venti, grande, or en-space? */ content: "\2002"; }

Curious characters

Need a guiding indicator? Say hello to → (→) or \2192:

.element::before { /* This way, please... */ content: "\2192"; }

Unicode escape mastery

To incorporate expressive characters, ensure Unicode is impeccably escaped; &heart; (♥) should be \2665:

.element::after { /* Sharing the love */ content: "\2665"; }

Pro tip: Variables' game

For reuse, consider storing symbols as CSS variables:

:root { /* Stars in a jar */ --star: "\2605"; } .element::before { content: var(--star); }

Overcoming common challenges

Unexpected results

If you see an unfamiliar symbol, re-check your Unicode notation and syntax.

Encoding matters

Ensure your CSS file is saved with UTF-8 encoding to prevent alien invasions, I mean, Unicode issues.

Checking compatibility

With a galaxy of browsers out there, always use Can I use... to check if a specific entity is browser-friendly.